SPF SPORT MANAGEMENT S.L. (the “Company”) is an organization that engages in personal data processing activities, which brings a significant responsibility in designing and organizing procedures to ensure compliance with legal regulations in this area.
In fulfilling these responsibilities and with the objective of establishing the general principles governing the processing of personal data within the Company, it approves this Personal Data Protection Policy, which it communicates to its Employees and makes available to all its stakeholders.
The Personal Data Protection Policy is a proactive responsibility measure aimed at ensuring compliance with applicable legislation in this matter and, in relation to it, respecting the right to honor and privacy in the processing of personal data of all individuals associated with the Company.
To develop the provisions of this Personal Data Protection Policy, the principles governing data processing within the organization are established, along with the procedures and organizational and security measures that those affected by this Policy are committed to implementing within their area of responsibility.
To achieve this, the Management will assign responsibilities to the staff involved in data processing operations.
This Personal Data Protection Policy will apply to the Company, its administrators, directors, and employees, as well as to all individuals associated with it, expressly including service providers with data access (“Data Processors”).
As a general principle, the Company will strictly comply with personal data protection legislation and must be able to demonstrate this compliance (“Proactive Responsibility Principle”), paying special attention to data processing that may pose a higher risk to the rights of the data subjects (“Risk-Based Approach Principle”).
In relation to the above, SPF SPORT MANAGEMENT S.L. will ensure compliance with the following principles:
The Company will promote the consideration of the principles outlined in this Personal Data Protection Policy (i) in the design and implementation of all work procedures, (ii) in the products and services offered, (iii) in all contracts and obligations formalized or assumed, and (iv) in the implementation of all systems and platforms allowing employee or third-party access and/or the collection or processing of personal data.
Employees are informed of this Policy and acknowledge that personal data is a Company asset. In this regard, they adhere to it, committing to:
Completing the data protection awareness training provided by the Company.
Applying user-level security measures applicable to their position, without prejudice to responsibilities in the design and implementation that may be attributed based on their role within SPF SPORT MANAGEMENT S.L..
Using established formats for exercising rights by data subjects and promptly informing the Company to ensure an effective response.
Reporting to the Company, as soon as they become aware of it, any deviations from this Policy, particularly concerning “Personal Data Breaches,” using the established format.
Verification, evaluation, and assessment of the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures will be carried out annually or whenever significant changes occur in data processing, to ensure data processing security.
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